Saturday 14 February 2015

London - Tower of London

Tower of London today.
Ventured out (only a few stops on the tube) to Tower Hill with too little clothing on - got caught out with a particularly cold day. Tried to take the big camera out of its case and dropped it with my frozen fingers - crushed the lens cap on and couldn't tell if I had broken it - not a good start, I was 'grumpy' and cold and so were the boys. Tried to rush from the tube to the Tower to escape the cold - but remembered it is a castle (not warm) and mostly outside anyway.

Found a haven in the heated 'Crown Jewels' area. Tried to stir up some interest in the kids (we had a few child activity packs which failed to excite them). Got a bit of interest out of George IV's Grand Punch bowl - I remember this was the main point of interest for me when I visited years back.

After starting to warm up and feel better we walked around the top of the defensive walls, checking out the 'Royal Menageraire' display - very well presented and interesting for the kids (lots of things they could interact with). The boys were entertained by the story about the disappreance of the two princes Edward(12 years) and Richard in the Tower in 1483, believed to have been murdered by their uncle who was then to become King(Richard III). The White Tower was full of things to interest the kids (and keep warm) - 'Royal Amouries', lots of weapons and armour( Being built on the orders of William the conqueror as a fortress and palace and later to be used as a military storehouse) plus the basement believed  to be the site of the torture and interrogation of prisoners like Guy Fawkes.

Lots of interest about the beheading of Anne Boleyn and the hanging of Lady Jane Grey on the Tower Green - the boys like a bit of gore.
Got up pretty close to the Ravens( tried not to scare them away and cause the 'Kingdom to fall') - I remembered how they used to land on our balustrade when we lived in Tower Hill(apparently they do 'go absent without leave' sometimes).

Jarvis excited to see the 'Queen's Guards'.

Tower - prisoner's writings on the wall behind Jarvis.

Traitor's Gate

View from Tower Bridge ('Yes' we are cold!)

Then walked over Tower Bridge (admiring the views) to Butlers Wharf on the south side of the Thames. Had a brisk walk along the South Bank - popped in on Hays Galeria to admire Chris's favourite sculpture there. Was pretty amazed by the number of new buildings(very modern) - a lot of 'flashing' up. Had dinner at the 'Chop House' (an old haunt for us). Sadly not the best of meals this time (kids got to try mushy peas), but I did love the views(out at the Thames and Tower Bridge) and the memories.

1 comment:

  1. I remember vividly my visit to the Tower of London. I can imagine the boys being right into the gore and the ravens. Karina a little envious of you guys on the Tower Bridge and sightseeing in London. I pointed out the grim grey skies in the background of your photos. We having a muggy day here today and no wind! Mike's in OZ for a few nights for work.
