Tuesday 10 February 2015

London Day1

8 - Feb-2015
So exciting, I was let loose for a few hours in Oxford Street.
Chris took three eager boys of to Hamleys, while I did the headless-chicken thingy on Oxford street.
Doesn't take long for the crowds and over-stimulation to get you though - so many people and so much stuff!
Loved looking at Selfridges again - it is such a beautiful store, even with masses of people in it. Hordes of people photographing the window displays - which were amazing. I immersed myself into the food court coming out laden with chocolate(easy purchasing - the fashion is too difficult). Reminisced about buying cigars for Chris (for Ollie's birth - not the best idea in hindsight) as I passed the cigar shop inside Selfridges. Pretty fascinated by the large number of 'beautiful' men(customers) in the men's fashion area - very well groomed hair, fabulous clothes, stylised walks ...
Lots of people queuing for 'fancy' afternoon teas. Lots of queues everywhere.
Dashed into the other big department stores - John Lewis, Debenhams  ...
Started jetlag 'wobblying' a bit too much so decided to call it quits with still a lot on my list.

Very excited boys back at the apartment, with very successful purchases from 'Hamleys' - Chris did well. They all enjoyed the in store demonstrations, Ollie buying the magic trick they were demonstrating(very cool, he has done a few performances for us).
Jarvis bought a great 'nano drone' , Lachlan a 'Big Hero 6' figure (quite large to squash into his bag).
Chris got the boys started on working out how to navigate the tube.
Underground not looking too bad (newish trains), a lot dirtier then the 'newish' immaculate/slick Dubai metro(not really a fair comparison).

Chris and kids had done the supermarket shop and started cooking dinner when I got back(quite unusual events - but well received from me). Amazed at what he had bought - whole 'Le Rustique' cheese for under 3nzd, stone fruit, berries in winter etc - I am very contented!

1 comment:

  1. good to see you are keeping up your chocolate supply kerri
