Monday 2 February 2015

BangkokCity Day1

1/Feb/2015 - 04/Feb/2015 Bangkok City, Thailand.

We were up bright and early in the morning and straight into breakfast. Breakfast at the hotel was everything you could 'desire', seated outside beside the Chao Phraya River, captivated by it’s chaos.
Lachlan enjoyed his plate of cinnamon sugar - ahh, that's what happened if Lachlan got to choose.
Ollie couldn’t believe the choice, he and Chris opted for hot and spicy, more like dinner food for us.

Not long after we were on the river, a ferry boat (the first of four for the day) just on the doorstep of the hotel.  What a great way it was to travel, a little squashed at some points, but with plenty of interest. There was so much to observe, slums next to luxurious high-rises, massive rubbish barges, boats of all kinds.
The Grand Palace.

After a coconut drink pit-stop on the pier we headed to our first sight, The Grand Palace, conveniently located on the Chao Phraya River. From 1782-1925, this had been the home of the King, the court and the entire administrative seat of government. The current monarch, King Bhumibol Adulyadej now resided in the Dusit Palace, but the Grand Palace was still used for official events and remained the seat of power and spiritual heart of the Thai kingdom. There was a strict dress code so avoiding the hour-long queue at the changing room, we double-layered into our long pants and tops outside. This short sighted time gain proved too uncomfortable, it was over 30C and we were basically dressed in winter clothing.
There was little escape from the sun and glare from the mass of gold objects, except for when you were inside one of the several impressive buildings. 
Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha) contained the very small, very famous and greatly revered Emerald Buddha dating back to the 14th century.  It was regarded as the most sacred Buddhist temple in Thailand.
The kids’ most lasting impression was more likely to have been the stray cats happily at home within the grounds.
We made a rather quick retreat from the harsh heat to track down a tuk-tuk willing to squeeze in five of us.  This got positive reactions from the kids. It was rather exciting racing through the chaotic street in little more than a cage on three wheels.
Lachlan’s smiles quickly stopped when his hat was blown off, not to be retrieved. Oliver’s and Jarvis’s smiles increased as it was pretty funny.  Needless to say, the first purchase on our list was to be a new hat for Lachlan at our soon to be destination, Khao San Road.
Tuk Tuk ride to Khao San Road
First impressions of Khao San Road, were that it was much cleaner and more orderly than when Chris and I had visited some 20ish years ago.
There were still some seedy remains, plenty of inappropriate ‘educational’ material to keep Ollie and Jarvis highly amused, fortunately most of this went over Lachlan’s head. It was great watching the boys having their first go at haggling. Lachlan was the most successful - the shop owners found his haggling so cute that they laughed and just agreed. Chris and I had to work harder (we weren't looking too cute). Ollie got over his apprehension and haggled too. Jarvis got right into it, coming away with the most purchases.  
Khao San Road.

 After purchases of t-shirts, hats, sunglasses, jewellery and a great Thai lunch we caught the river boat back for more swimming at the hotel pool and a much needed sleep.
 Chao Phraya River

Chatrium Riverside Hotel, Bangkok.


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