Thursday 5 February 2015

Dubai Day1

Jarvis's 11th birthday today. Presents were given last night(to coincide with NZ time).

Slightly fascinated (or maybe amused?) watching the women in traditional dress (abaya(black robe and niqab(veil))) eating their breakfast this morning - very well considered mouthfuls.

Headed off after breakfast to take a look at Deira, the 'old Dubai'. Caught the metro down to the traditional souks - offering spices, textiles and gold jewellery. A bit tricky to find but we knew when we had found them(gold necklaces so huge you have to ask 'why', you'd probably fall over(maybe you stay sitting?)).

Souks in Deira (Gold and Jewellery)

Good prep work for Morocco to come - quite a bit of harassing. We lost Ollie for a few minutes to then find him dressed in traditional robe - children are easy bait! Well, it made for some good photos and of course a purchase. Pretty amazing atmosphere.

Largest Gold Ring
Yep, They Got Us!

Historic Souk Area

The kids had their first puff of a Lebanese Shisha - Jarvis who was the keen one found it 'disgusting', Lachlan chickened out, Ollie gave it a pretty good go but looked unimpressed.


Wandered along the port watching fishermen transporting their wares on traditional dhows.
Best-Looking metro I've even seen.

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