Monday 2 March 2015

Hampton Court


Decided to tackle one of the goodies - Hampton Court.
Was a bit of a trip down memory lane catching the train out - was the old train I used to catch out to Thames Ditton (my first job in the UK - where I meet Tony Young, and look what has come from that??)

Hit the maze first to make sure I got the kids fired up (apparently the 'most famous maze in the history of the world") It was very simple!, but fun. Was half-term break so there were plenty of extra things going on. 

Henry the VIII was the biggest hit (thanks to his 6 wives, 2 beheaded providing sufficient gore) - the boys ran amuck around the Tudor Kitchens (I let them go, sort of).

Lachlan hogging the stew.


The boys were pretty keen on sitting down and playing the old fashioned games in William III's apartments - of course not according to the rules. William's 'upholstered' toilet was highly amusing.

Either I have got old(which of course I have) or things are a lot more interesting then when I viewed them 15ish years ago - information is presented much better and fair more engagingly(Yes, I've just got old). Lots of refurbishment still going on - I guess it never stops.

William III's Apartments



1 comment:

  1. Far out, I've been to Hampton Court, but didn't do the maze! I'll just have to go back.

    I really love the photo of Jarvis (the one with the brickwork in the background).
