Monday, 2 March 2015


More engineering works on the way out to Greenwich today - seems to be a common theme. Finally got there , travelled via the DLR (over ground) which was a good way to take a peak at Canary Wharf .
Unfortunately the weather turned once we got there - 'crickey' it was cold and wet.

A very odd looking new building around the Cutty Sark - I'm not convinced.

Quite pleased to be inside that 'odd' looking building -  escaping the cold.
Took refuge from the misery outside inside the "National Maritime Musuem"

and then marvelled at the baroque artistry in the Painted Hall at the "Old Royal Naval College"(formally a Royal Hospital for Seamen). A re-enactment of Irish Pirate Queen, 'Grace O'Malley' was happening - always curious if there is a family link?(Nana was an O'Malley). 

Would have loved to wander through Greenwich Park up to the Royal Observatory where you can stand on the Prime Meridian, with a leg in each hemisphere, eastern and western.
Instead we took a quick look at Greenwich market before jumping in a cab to Andy and Paula's.
Had a fabulous dinner at Paula and Andy's with the company of Debbie and Simon too. Boys were very very happy with the options of a WII and Xbox. Viewed fantastic photos Andy had taken on his and Paula's very adventurous travels.

The painted hall - not an exaggeration.


  1. Interesting to hear about your update. I imagine you are all now in France - looking forward to the updates.

    Love to all Marie

  2. The photo of the boys in the 'odd looking building' is a keeper as they've all got 'odd looks' on their faces.
