Friday 11 September 2015

Spain - Baza

1st-2nd May 2015

Marbella to Baza: 2:36hr
Fascinating landscape on the way to our next overnight stop, near Baza, a cave-dwelling district dating back to Iberian times.
After being lead into no-mans-land by the GPS, we finally reached our accommodation for the night, 'Cuevas Andalucia', a group of four tranquil cave houses located in the Altiplano de Granada.

We were rather surprised at the spaciousness and comfort of our three bedroom cave house, which Sam and Aurore, the Belgium owners, had passionately extended and renovated. Situated in amongst desert-like dunes, it made for a rather surreal landscape.

Jarvis was Mr Happy after discovering two dogs to play with. All the boys were pretty happy to have a plunge in the rather cold pool.

There was a pretty big setup here. Plenty of quad biking, horse riding, cycling, hiking or fishing.

This was a very brief stop for us, just one night. A shame we didn't have longer to stay here and enjoy such a unique and peaceful environment.

Chris's Office.

The joys of a juicer and great oranges.

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